Announcement Regarding Your Garbage Collection Service:

Apr 18, 2022See All Posts

To increase the safety and efficiency of the garbage collection service in your District, the Board of Directors of the District has established these new rules:

  • Do not park vehicles or place items in the street that may block the garbage collection truck’s access to garbage bins. If the garbage collection truck cannot access the garbage bins, they will not collect garbage at that location, and the resident will not receive a credit for the missed day of service.
  • Excessive trash or bulk items will not be collected as part of the regular garbage collection service. A resident must contact Best Trash, LLC* or another heavy trash collection company to schedule a pick-up and determine the collection cost for these items. If the agreed-upon collection cost is not paid, the District may choose to pay Best Trash, LLC for the service provided and bill the cost plus 20% to the resident. *Best Trash LLC can be reached at 281-313-2378.

For the full content of the above rules, you may click here and refer to Section 9.2 of the District’s Rate Order.

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